Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

Tips and Tricks Optimize jQuery Powerful For Developers

1) Use the Latest Version of jQuery

With all the innovation taking place in the jQuery project, one of the easiest ways to improve the performance of your web site is to simply use the latest version of jQuery. Every release of the library introduces optimizations and bug fixes, and most of the time upgrading involves only changing a script tag.
You can even include jQuery directly from Google’s servers, which provide free CDN hosting for a number of JavaScript libraries.
1<!-- Include a specific version of jQuery -->
4<!-- Include the latest version in the 1.6 branch -->
The latter example will include the latest 1.6.x version automatically as it becomes available, but as pointed out on css-tricks, it is cached only for an hour, so you better not use it in production environments.

2) Keep Selectors Simple

Up until recently, retrieving DOM elements with jQuery was a finely choreographed combination of parsing selector strings, JavaScript loops and inbuilt APIs like getElementById(), getElementsByTagName() and getElementsByClassName(). But now, all major browsers support querySelectorAll(), which understands CSS query selectors and brings a significant performance gain.
However, you should still try to optimize the way you retrieve elements. Not to mention that a lot of users still use older browsers that force jQuery into traversing the DOM tree, which is slow.
1$('li[data-selected="true"] a') // Fancy, but slow
2$('li.selected a'// Better
3$('#elem'// Best
Selecting by id is the fastest. If you need to select by class name, prefix it with a tag – $('li.selected'). These optimizations mainly affect older browsers and mobile devices.
Accessing the DOM will always be the slowest part of every JavaScript application, so minimizing it is beneficial. One of the ways to do this, is to cache the results that jQuery gives you. The variable you choose will hold a jQuery object, which you can access later in your script.

Free Flash Web Templates Guys.. Yeah..

1. The Ultimate Museum Site
flash web templates

2. The Boy Scout Green Template

flash web templates

3. The Gray Hotel Template

flash web templates

Amazing Beautiful of Macro Photography Part I

The trick is simple, you just reverse any normal camera lens), we are seeing a greater abundance of macro photography.
These photographers have managed to take insects (which I find particularly scary) and turn them into beautiful works of art. Each of these photos were hand picked for their ingenuity, unusualness and flair.
We can’t comprehend how much, as humans, we are limited to see. Take a look at the world around you and become amazed at the small details we often miss.

Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012

WOW Amazing Very Very Beautiful Tea Fields Photos Part II

Beatutiful views in the tea garden,
so i want to have a garden.
Very Very Beautiful
Look how to God created the perfect beauty
Part II

WOW Amazing Very Very Beautiful Tea Fields Photos Part I

Beatutiful views in the tea garden,
so i want to have a garden.
Very Very Beautiful
Look how to God created the perfect beauty


WOW Beautiful HDR Photography Part I

This wide dynamic range allows HDR images to represent more accurately the range of intensity levels found in real scenes, ranging from direct sunlight to faint starlight, and is often captured by way of a plurality of differently exposed pictures of the same subject matter,

1) The sky above Vancouver, Canada.

2) And another day comes to an End, Pittsburgh,US.

Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

Brilliant HTML5 Tutorials Part II

How to create a Progress bar with HTML5 Canvas

How to create a Progress bar with HTML5 Canvas

How to Make an HTML5 iPhone App

How to Make an HTML5 iPhone App

jQuery Image and Content Sliders Plugins FREE


Slides is a slideshow plugin for jQuery that is built with simplicity in mind. Packed with a useful set of features to help novice and advanced developers alike create elegant and user-friendly slideshows.


FlexSlider is an amazing, totally responsive jQuery slider plugin. It bears uncomplicated, semantic markup, slide and fade animations, and is supported in all major browsers, therefore you won’t have any compatibility issues. Flexslider is built for novices and pros in a similar way.

Minggu, 18 Maret 2012

Awesome Brilliant Action Photography Part I

Brilliant Examples of Action Photography: Photography has endless possibilities and they are creative new ways almost everyday in photography and now in this internet era we can get inspired easily with the amazing quality of photographs by some of the talented photographers across the glob. In this post I present some of the best action photography that are taken so beautifully, this action photography requires great skill and it should be taken quickly or you might miss the shot. There are various locations where you can get started with action photography, here I have listed out 50 possible shots you can get started with. I as a photography would definitely go ahead with bull fights and other sport events to fine tune my skills with action photography but I need to understand the subject and other details so I will definitely look for some action photography examples, so here I present. Go ahead and enjoy these action photography handpicked from the web.

Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

CSS Trik

* {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

body {
    font-size: 62.5%;
    font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;

#page-wrap {
    width: 500px;
    margin: 0 auto;

WHAT, WHO, HTML semantics and front-end architecture

A collection of thoughts, experiences, ideas that I like, and ideas that I have been experimenting with over the last year. It covers HTML semantics, components and approaches to front-end architecture, class naming patterns, and HTTP compression.
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.

About semantics

Semantics is the study of the relationships between signs and symbols and what they represent. In linguistics, this is primarily the study of the meaning of signs (such as words, phrases, or sounds) in language. In the context of front-end web development, semantics are largely concerned with the agreed meaning of HTML elements, attributes, and attribute values (including extensions like Microdata). These agreed semantics, which are usually formalised in specifications, can be used to help programmes (and subsequently humans) better understand aspects of the information on a website. However, even after formalisation, the semantics of elements, attributes, and attribute values are subject to adaptation and co-option by developers. This can lead to subsequent modifications of the formally agreed semantics (and is an HTML design principle).

Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

Tips and Overview GOM (Google Online Marketing)

Google Online Marketing Challenge: Tips and Overview

GOM (Google’s Online Marketing Challenge) started in 2008 and began with 500 registered professors. Now there are over 1,000 professors registered with the growing challenge. 
The purpose of the challenge is to give students real world experience working with Google AdWords and online advertising. It also gives students the opportunity to see how they can grow real businesses and non-profit organizations by using online advertising.

Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

7 Tips Make Social Commerce Work

Despite the fact that Facebook commerce has emerged as a big disappointment for some large companies and that poorly executed strategies can do more harm than good, social media marketing as a channel isn't about to disappear.
In fact, consulting firm Booz & Co. thinks that social media is a great way to influence buyers and will eventually result in $30 billion in global social commerce revenue ($14 billion in the U.S. alone).
Given the way some companies are backing away from the Facebook f-commerce efforts, you might wonder whether Booz might need to reevaluate its estimate. And yet, a Booz survey suggested that 27% of consumers who spent at least one hour a month on social networking sites would be willing to make purchases through social networking.
It might just take more time, as e-commerce did, as people change their habits to adapt to new circumstances and capabilities. As Booz noted:

Senin, 12 Maret 2012

Tutorial easy Install WAMP Server

For PHP programing we need a web server, so we use WAMP and it has the following components:
Apache 2.2.17
Php 5.3.5, Mysql 5.5.8
SQLBuddy 1.3.2
XDebug 2.1.0-5.3
webGrind 1.0
XDC 1.5
Don't forget to subscribe to stay updated to our design news! Also take a minute to share this post with others using Social Bookmarks.
For now we will use only Apache and PHP, followed by MySQL and phpmyadmin.
Step 1 Klik double icon wampServer and klik next

 Step 2 Klik I accept the agreement


Step 3 Klik Next

Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

XML ??? Why Not..???

The Extensible Markup Language (XML) might sound like an intimidating coding language for a small business owner, let alone a technology manager, to master. The odds are, however, that if your company has a website, XML is already part of the technology you are using to do business.
XML is a simple, flexible text format that was originally designed in the mid-1990s by an 11-member working group under the guise of the World Wide Web Consortium (WC3), an international standards body, to meet the challenges of large-scale electronic publishing. More recently, XML has become widely used to facilitate sharing data between different information systems over the Internet.
“If you need XML you’ll know it, because it is already part of the technology you’re using,” says Greg Bowling, senior analyst at Jupiter Research. XML, he explains, is part of the underlying communication online. “When you’re communicating between two websites, the XML tags the key attributes. This allows companies, and site operators to set data definitions for the trading of information.”
Essentially XML makes sure that all the various companies are on the same page when sharing information over the Internet. In this way, XML is akin to a digital glossary. But, without it, data couldn’t be easily shared between businesses without having to reformat that information at each step of the process.

XML and your business
Essentially businesses that need to share basic information with a common nomenclature are the ones that will mostly likely need to use XML. As a result of the increasing need for businesses to do business with other companies and customers over the Internet, XML is used in nearly every industry. It’s an integral aspect of what makes the Internet work.

Jumat, 09 Maret 2012

How to Win a Tech Start-up Competition

Minbox at Launch Festival
Dan Doperalski, ddoperalski.com
Minbox pitched an image-driven email client and won favor among the judges--as well as seed capital from the Boulder, Colo.-based accelerator TechStars.

For a certain kind of tech start-up founder, the pitch contest offers a thrill that few other events can deliver: You have only a few terror-filled minutes to successfully demo your product (using shaky wi-fi, no less) in front of a firing line of judges who can—and will—find holes in your idea big enough to drive a truck through.
I've spent the last two days camped out at this year's Launch Festival, a tech start-up competition in San Francisco founded by entrepreneur and investor Jason Calacanis, where more than 40 start-ups competed for more than $1 million in prizes and seed capital.
In between the pitches, I asked investors and judges what it takes to make them sit up and pay attention.
1. The shorter your pitch, the more successful you'll be. 
Calacanis claims that after five years of putting together the start-up competition, he's learned that the more quickly founders can articulate their business ideas, the more viable their companies usually are. Your first sentence is critical—state what your company does as clearly as possible. If you nail it, "I start thinking about what's possible to do with you," says AngelPad founder Thomas Korte. "If you don't, I stop listening because I'm trying to figure out what it is you do."
If you're given five minutes, don't practice a five-minute pitch; aim for just over four minutes. "If an investor is looking at you as a manager of an idea, they watch how you behave and how you manage time," says IdeaLab founder Bill Gross, a Silicon Valley tech veteran who picked up a lifetime achievement award at Launch. "Your demo is an indicator of how you'll manage everything else." 
2. Identify the problem you're solving.
And don't stop there: How do you know it's a problem? And is it a big enough problem to support your solution as a business? These are all questions you need to answer. Here's where Space Monkey, voted best overall start-up at Launch, made the most compelling pitch. The company framed itself as a cloud storage provider that's cheaper and more secure than everything else on the market. The details of the technology behind it were complex, but the judges immediately understood the value proposition.
3. Pay attention to voice.
This one is a deal breaker at a tech conference: Don't be the one with the slick salesman voice. Oversell your nascent product and you lose credibility real fast. "Be real, be conversational," says Dave McClure, founder of the tech accelerator 500startups. 
4. Never, ever use a video to give your pitch.
Start-up competitions are about giving live demos and speaking directly to the judges and the audience, says TechStars founder (and Inc. columnist) David Cohen. The fastest way to turn the judges against you? Skip the tough step of personally pitching your company and rely on a canned video instead. One poor soul learned this the hard way at Launch and took heat from the judges for it.
5. Explain why the heck people should trust you.
This one seems basic but it tripped up a number of start-ups at Launch. Often the entrepreneurs waited until they were grilled by the judges to mention that, oh by the way, their team includes an ex-Google engineer who really knows location-based technology or a former Merrill Lynch finance guy who's the perfect person to launch a beneficiary planning app. 
"It's important to show that you have experience in your domain to build audience confidence," says Ryan Swagar, managing partner of venture51, a seed-stage venture firm that sponsored Launch. "Craft short bios that demonstrate to the audience why you and your team are tailor made for the job."
6. Pitch to the decision makers.
Customers want to know why they should use your product or service. Investors want to know how they will make a return. Who's picking the winning start-up: an audience of potential customers, investors, or both? "A number of companies I saw at Launch focused on the product but not about plans to scale," Gross says. The panel of investor judges were quick to nail anyone who didn't articulate some kind of growth strategy.

Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

Website Blunders to Avoid

Privacy policy missteps have led plenty of start-ups into hot water. Here's how to avoid a legal (and public relations) nightmare.

After incorporation, one of the first "legal projects" for any start-up is crafting its terms of use and privacy policy. Recent high-profile news items dealing with online policy mistakes have made entrepreneurs nervous about this process. Avoiding these four blunders can help prevent a what could be both a legal and a public-relations nightmare. 

Mistake 1: Choosing Style Over Substance

Yes, contracts are boring and Web pages jammed with legalese violate every notion of community and simplicity that you've been working long hours to build. Why not go with a lightweight terms of use and privacy policy that touches on the big-picture issues without offending user sensibilities? Bad idea. You craft online policies to protect your company. These policies will fail to provide adequate cover if they are ambiguous, sloppy, or filled with loopholes. Terms of use can't be reduced to a small infographic and still properly address user conduct. A privacy policy can't be boiled down to two sentences and fully disclose how you handle data.
This does not mean that your policies should be long-winded and hard to read. Clarity should be your goal. You just need, at a minimum, to keep two core tenants in mind: 
  • First, your terms of use should thoroughly outline how your site, app, or service operates, what user conduct is prohibited, and how you can terminate user accounts for violating conduct restrictions.
  • Second, your privacy policy should thoroughly describe each and every way in which you'll be handling user data. 
You shouldn't be afraid to let inject your start-up's voice into your online policies—but don't let style trump substance.

Mistake 2: You Don't Ask Your Lawyer to Review the Policies

The two core tenets mentioned above are the general "rules of thumb," but there are going to be many other, more subtle issues relating to you business model that need to be addressed in your online policies. This is where your lawyer comes in. I am not telling you to recreate the wheel. It is OK to model your policies after those that have worked in the marketplace—but you should take the time to carefully tailor the policy content to your business.
You also need to be sure that you are following industry best practices. Any good start-up lawyer has an internal checklist of the "must-haves" for online policies—and she monitors the market to keep that checklist current. Company counsel can also help you stay mindful of policy provisions that are more likely to be affected through the corporate lifecycle, like those relating law enforcement inquires and acquisitions of the company.
Finally, your counsel can also help you deal with nuances of changing law. For instance, she can help you make appropriate updates that are legally enforceable and comply properly with specific legal parameters, such as the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act and the European Union Data Protection Directive. 

Mistake 3: You Never Update the Policies

Online policies are dynamic documents. You simply cannot draft them once and then forget them. There are too many moving pieces: the legal landscape, your business model, and the demands or identity of your user base. Check in with your counsel periodically (at least once a year), as well in connection with any product or business model changes, to see if your policies need an update. Keeping your terms of use and privacy policy current can go a long way in keeping the company protected.

Mistake 4: You Don't Have an Effective Response System in Place

As I am fond of point out, legal documents don't solve problems by themselves. Creating the perfect set of online policies is meaningless if your users can't reach you to discuss or enforce them. In fact, user disputes and public-relations headaches are often a result of the inaction of the company in handling inbound requests for attention. I once worked with a client who let user emails over inappropriate content, disputes and privacy issues pile up for months at a time. The results? A frivolous lawsuit that took countless hours and tens of thousands of dollars to settle, and left many unhappy users and negative vibe throughout the blogosphere. That company now has a 24-hour response procedure in place. Don't insist on learning this lesson the hard way!

Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

Tips, Become a Household Name

You're no celebrity entrepreneur--but that doesn't mean you can't grab a little bit of the spotlight.
5 tips to become a household name

Some people get lucky. They wind up on shows like "Shark Tank" and even if they lose, their half hour of fame is enough to launch them into the spotlight and off they go. Or they land a favorable piece in Inc. or The New York Times and never look back.
Of course, that's not how it happens for 99% of struggling entrepreneurs out there. And that means if you want the spotlight you need to find ways to grab it yourself.
Start by becoming a subject matter expert. Here are five simple ways to do it:
1. Self-publish a book – Publishing an eBook is seldom lucrative, but it can cement your expertise and provide big media opportunities. To generate awareness, give away at least a portion free via your website. (That's what I'm doing now with my Modern Parent’s Guide to family technology.) PDF publications provide the simplest and most cost-effective solution. But numerous services like Lulu, iUniverse, Blurb, Wordclay, Xlibris, CreateSpace, and AuthorHouse also provide affordable print-on-demand solutions, including entry into Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble’s catalogue. Many offer distribution through eReader-friendly formats as well, though anyone can publish directly to iBooks and Kindle in hours.
2. Create your own video series – Shooting Internet-ready HD videos is straightforward with a tripod and a video camera you can get for less than $200. Check out the Zoom Q3HD or 3D footage-capable Bloggie 3D. (Although, technically, an iPhone 4 and apps like Qik or Socialcam can produce perfectly good clips for online distribution in a pinch.) Models like the Bloggie Live even offer affordable real-time online streaming. Get an external microphone and a few clamp lights (~$10 at Home Depot) for enhanced visuals and audio. Keep videos short (1-3 minutes), arresting (grab viewers in the first 5-10 seconds) and singular (personality trumps production values). Clips should cover no more than three key messages; create value by offering hints, tips, advice or exclusive access; and include a call to action, such as a link to visit your website to enter a contest. Then get your video on YouTube, Metacafe, Vimeo, Justin.tv and UStream for the widest possible distribution.
3. Start a newsletter or magazine – It’s easy to transform Word documents (books, white papers, research reports) into readily redistributable PDF documents with online converters, Adobe’s official service, or free Microsoft Office 2007 plug-ins. If you’d prefer to produce slicker-looking volumes sans newsstand distribution, try short-run print or digital solutions like Zinio, MagCloud, and Issuu instead. Email newsletters might be a better fit if you want to establish frequent dialogue with customers and want detailed analytics on how many people you're reaching. Options such as MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, Constant Contact, Benchmark Email, and MadMimi are cost-effective and provide easily customized styling.
4. Build a following with a blogs – There are lots of blogging platforms out there: from WordPress and TypePad to Blogger and Movable Type. If cost is an issue, style at minimal expense using an attractive off-the-shelf template ($20-50/avg) from ThemeForest, WooThemes, HTML5 Themes or competitors. All posts should be equipped with buttons for sharing through Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+. (Hint: Quickly installed plug-ins such as Twitterfeed and Sociable make it easy to spread the word through social networks.) Give your key employees official blogs as well—it will help you grow your network of experts and enhance search engine performance.
5. Contribute to community forums – Part of establishing name recognition includes being a valued contributor to industry-related groups and forums on Facebook, LinkedIn, and other popular online channels. Share your expertise through articles, surveys, research, or detailed analysis. But while participating in existing social networks or building your own custom community can be useful, don't undervalue traditional networking opportunities. Make a point to volunteer with organizations and speak at conferences and events within your field. All can serve to make you a strong, stable and welcome presence in the industry, and connect you with like-minded experts who’ll help spread the word.

Senin, 20 Februari 2012

Google’s Biggest Challenges Internal, Says CEO

google_logoHeavy is the head that wears the crown, and the biggest threat facing Google is … well, Google itself, actually. That’s according to company co-founder and current CEO Larry Page.
During a rare public appearance last week (at Google’s Zeitgeist conference, in Arizona), Page said that big companies tend to be slow-moving companies, and that there are “basically no companies that have good slow decisions.” Former chief executive Eric E. Schmidt, joining Page on stage at the conference, concurred, saying “the problems at a company at Google’s scale are always internal at some level.”

Jumat, 17 Februari 2012

WOW Camera is Amazing

Nikon COOLPIX P510 Digital Camera

For the outdoor photographer, the COOLPIX P510  puts you where you need to be. Bring your subjects up close and personal, with an incredible zoom range of 24-1,000mm. Spontaneous action is captured sharp and clear with optical VR Image Stabilization and amazingly fast autofocus. Every image and Full HD (1080p) movie dazzles when produced by the advanced 16.1 MP CMOS sensor.


Superheadz CLAP Digital Camera

  Slightly larger than a flash drive, the Clap from SuperHeadz is one of the most portable digital cameras in the market. Don’t let the small size fool you though as the Clap takes extremely stylized – “faint, fluent, and soft” – pictures. It’s super easy to operate, and transporting photos is also a breeze – no need for messy cables, just remove the cap and connect it directly to your computer’s usb port (doing so also charges the built-in battery). The Clap  is also well designed, with a clean, minimalist body that comes in a variety of colors. And lastly, it shoots video!


Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

Location Targeting For Google Revamps AdWords’

Google AdWords is a service that enables you to create and run ads for your business that run on Google and its advertising network; you pay only when people click your ads. AdWords also includes location targeting so you can target ads to specific locations, which is great for small businesses that only have customers in certain regions or those that want to target top-performing geographic areas so more clicks translate into actual sales.

Rabu, 01 Februari 2012

How To Create Login/Registration Using Flash with PHP and mySQL

For this Tutorial you will have to have some basic knowledge of PHP and mySQL, hopefully you won't need much though.  It is also assumed that you have a good understanding of Flash Actionscript.   What this tutorial basically does is to show you how to set up a table in a mySQL database, then using PHP (or asp with a few minor changes) manipulate that table and interact with Flash.  The first part of the Tutorial shows you how to create a unique user ID in the database, In this case it will be the persons name.  With a few minor changes however you'll be able to make it a secure password protected user login.  The unique user ID is required because in the next part we'll be saving the position of a couple movie clips and some of their property's.  In this way a user can return to the (your) site at anytime and the movie Clips will be in the exact same position that they left them in. I also added in a place for the user to add in a comment, which is also saved.  With a couple modifications you can turn that into a guest book or anything else you can think of.   This is a much more of a hands on tutorial so it's helpful if you follow the scripts and Fla source included, in addition to viewing the working example at the same time. 
It is recommended that you read over the PHP scripts first. These have all been extensively commented.  In PHP the # symbol is a comment.  Also it may be best to try to follow the code in the included Flash movie along as well.

 Go to setting mySQL database
You must have a mySQL server set up by your host or on your local machine.  I'll be using the most basic shell commands to set up the table. However their are GUI's out there to make this part easier.  Your host may already have one set up for you to use. Make sure to read all the documentation your host has available on using mySQL on their servers - some may be different.  But it should all basically be the same.
Once your database has been set up. Open up your shell account. In most cases you can use Telnet to get to your account.  From the telnet command prompt - type in mysql -p YourDatabaseName Then you will be prompted for a password. Type in your password.  You'll see some text appear after this, then the command prompt changes to read mysql> (then Type) use Database Name.  We will name the table saveMovie for this example. Then type in the following create table syntax exactly as it appears below:

You can then use the describe table command to see what the table looks like.
Here are a couple other mySQL commands you may find useful from the shell.
Change the Column Name:  mysql>alter table saveMovie change Name SomeotherName varchar(30);  (This just changes the name notice the syntax - after change enter the old Column Name followed directly after by the New column name and definition.
Delete one of the Columns: mysql>alter table saveMovie drop Name; This just deletes the column that you had previously named "Name".
Select and view everything in the Table: mysql>Select * from TableName;
Delete the whole table and start over: mysql>drop saveMovie;
Short List of Column types (note if the data that you have entered into one of these definitions is larger then the amount you specified in the table it will be cut off):
varchar (Number) - A variable text type - in my opinion the easiest and most flexible to use when first starting out. Maximum is 60 characters Long.
char (number) - A fixed character type column.
int (number) - A fixed integer type column. Default is 14 if you leave it blank.
text or blob - use either when you want to enter a large amount of text. 

Jumat, 20 Januari 2012

AMAZING Tips for Photographing Animals

Few things can bring a smile to someone’s face faster than a cute picture of an animal. Unfortunately, animals can be tricky to photograph. This is especially true if your shot includes several subjects or you are trying to photograph children in addition to the critters. That perfect shot, however, can be critical to your success as an animal photographer, whether you plan to keep your photography more on a personal level or plan to sell your photographs for postcard printing or magazine ads.

Tips for Photographing Animals

(Picture Source: Wikipedia)
If you have an animal photography project looming but are having trouble with the logistics, the following are a few tips on conquering the animal kingdom successfully with camera in hand.

Camera Settings: Shutter Speed, ISO, and F/Stop…Oh My!

 (Picture Source: 66164549@N00
and Animal Photos!)
Your camera settings will make or break your shoot — no matter what your subject may be. While we can’t tell you the exact settings to make sure every shot is perfect, there are some general settings and rules you can follow. Then adjust as needed while on the shoot.
Shutter speeds between 1/250-1/1000 are ideal for freezing time and catching a clean shot. Your ISO can start around 200, but don’t be afraid to shift up or down as needed. An f/stop of f5.6 is usually a good starting point with a fast shutter speed and an ISO of around 200. Remember that these are ballpark settings. You will likely need to adjust to meet your specific needs.

Stalk Your Prey

  (Picture Source: jacobocanady
and Animal Photos!)
Every animal behaves differently. You cannot expect identical behaviors in any two of the same species. Some will be hyperactive and difficult to keep an eye on , and some will be so lazy that you beg them to yawn. So the key to getting a good picture is watching a creature long enough to be able to predict their next move. A little research goes a long way, so take some time to review the general tempermant of the animals you will be photographing.

Kamis, 19 Januari 2012

Surprising Adobe’s Flash for Android 4.0 Will Be the Last


The Samsung Galaxy Nexus was recently released in the U.K. and since then has been hailed by the tech media as being the best Android phone ever. Since it’s the first Android phone to ship with Android 4.0, which is also known as Ice Cream Sandwich, it didn’t take people long to figure out it came without Flash onboard.
This shouldn’t really come as a surprise considering that Adobe recently announced it was stopping development of its Flash Player for mobile, but it still prompted many to ask if Adobe wouldn’t be coming up with a version for ICS. Well, now Adobe has said it will, and it will do it by the end of the year.
However, Adobe has also confirmed that this new version will be its last for the platform. Beyond that, any further releases will be nothing more than “critical bug fixes and security updates” with the expectation that HTML5 will become the dominant mobile standard instead.
Read more at SlashGear.

Kamis, 12 Januari 2012

Magazines Photography Free Downloadable and Inspirational

Inspiration is important for web and visual designers. It’s what gives you new ideas, shapes and influences your style, and energizes and increases your passion for visual art. And visual art that’s of a different medium from yours can be an even greater inspiration—like photography—since you’re getting a fresh outside perspective. This magazine :

1. And I Still Miss You

And I Still Miss You is an incredibly-stylish magazine that features work by a selection of photographers – and sometimes artists. Photographs range from people to scenes to nature to conceptual and anything in between.
Download free issues of And I Still Miss You here

2. Beat

Beat is a young generation magazine entirely formed by photo projects. Each issue focuses on certain topics, and the questions are attempted to be answered via photographs to augment verbal communication.
Download free issues of Beat here

Senin, 09 Januari 2012

Cisco to HP: Quit Suing Ex-Employees!

Imagine you’re a top-notch HP employee. What’s your next career move? Maybe it should be selling hot dogs on the beach. That may be the only way to avoid the company’s practice of leveling non-compete lawsuits at employees who move on to other companies. After all, since HP is in just about every corner of the tech industry: servers, personal computers, networking, software, even mobile–just about any technology company could be viewed as a competitor.
Enough! says Cisco in a blog entry. Apparently the company hired an ex-HPan who moved to California for the job and believed state law there would protect him from legal action. When HP sued anyway, Cisco contacted its legal counsel, it says, to try and work things out and offer an assurance that no HP secrets would change hands. HP responded by requesting an emergency hearing in Texas to block the employee from starting his new job.
“In an unhappy work environment, it’s a strange decision to try to achieve employee retention by litigation,” the Cicso blog declares. It certainly seems like something for prospective HP employees to consider before accepting a job offer–they might be signing on for life.
Read more at NetworkWorld.